Cement manufacturing consumes non-renewable raw materials in large quantities and emits significant levels of CO2. To meet this challenge, Hima Cement Limited has been committed to rethinking industrial processes to use one industry's waste products as resources for another.
Waste treatment is seen as a time-consuming and costly headache by many businesses and municipalities. Mistakes or poor performance in waste management may also expose organizations to major environmental and reputational risks and penalties. Since the 1970s, Holcim has pioneered the co-processing of waste materials, and for decades developed innovative and tailored industrial and municipal waste management services for a wide range of customers. This heritage of innovation continues under the Geocycle brand which maintains a network of more than 50 operations that together comprise one of the world’s leading providers of waste management services.
Geocycle Uganda
With the ever-growing urbanization, Uganda faces the immense challenge of balancing efforts to meet human needs, while preserving the environment. Responsible waste management is crucial to these efforts.
Geocycle works with regulatory bodies, government, communities and other groups to increase awareness about waste issues. At Geocycle, we are experts in working with a range of manufacturing, processing and service industries, including paint companies, beverage companies, oil and gas etc.
Through the company’s innovative, sustainable waste practices, and by working with customers and other stakeholders, the long-term goal is rethinking waste management.
Environmental and Societal Benefits
● Use of renewable energy i.e. biomass for climate change mitigation through carbon foot print reduction
● Heat recovery from wastes that include dolochar, carbon black, used oil, waste paint and plastics
● Win-win mutual benefit to Hima Cement and our stakeholders. For example coffee farmers within Uganda benefit from income realized from sale of coffee and husks hence improved household income.