MINECEM CEM II/B-SR 42.5L is a Sulphur resistant cement designed for the mining industry, produced at our plants in Namanve and Tororo. It is the only Sulphate resistant cement on market designed to counteract the reaction of chemical attack in aggressive ground environments, conforming to US EAS 18:1.
MINECEM CEM II/B-SR 42.5L is a Sulphur resistant cement designed for the mining industry, produced at our plants in Namanve and Tororo.
It is the only Sulphate resistant cement on market designed to counteract the reaction of chemical attack in aggressive ground environments, conforming to US EAS 18:1.
Minecem is a response to a unique mining market need. A binder that has been specifically designed for paste and cemented rock backfilling of underground mine stopes.