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AgricLime is a fine powdery material produced as a by-product from cement manufacturing processes with the best pH neutralising effects on Acidic soils. Our AgricLime is serving as a value-added offer to farmers for improved crop growth. Manufactured out of Kasese Plant and Namanve Blending Station and conforms to WD-ARS 1492-17 standards.


AgricLime is a fine powdery material produced as a by-product from cement manufacturing

processes with the best pH neutralising effects on Acidic soils. Our AgricLime is serving as a

value-added offer to farmers for improved crop growth. Manufactured out of Kasese Plant

and Namanve Blending Station and conforms to WD-ARS 1492-17 standards.


The active ingredient is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and categorised as Calcitic Lime.

Ground limestone is easy to spread and is the recommended liming material for gardeners.


• AgricLime neutralises acidic soils for better crop yields.

• Liming of gardens improves fertiliser efficiency in gardens. The soil structure and

permeability improve as a result of liming and as a result improves crop uptake of essential


• The particle size fineness accelerates the solubility and reactivity of the AgricLime in the

soil thus rendering it more effective.


Agriclime is applied in all gardens and plantations with acidic soil pH (below 7.0) and it is

recommended to apply prior to planting or sowing for best results. It is worth checking the

soil pH and making any adjustments before designing or planting a new garden, also when

growth is disappointing.

Prepare the garden by digging / Ploughing and apply AgricLime by sprinkling on the surface.

More lime is needed to change the pH of soils with high clay content than in soils with less
