Working with communities

We strive to create a better future through and beyond the bounds of our core business. Our approach to Communities and Corporate Social Responsibility is to secure and maintain lasting relationships with those communities affected by our operations and activities. We want to be a trusted partner to all affected communities throughout the life cycle of our operations.

Fundamental to this approach is the shared understanding of the impacts and benefits our business brings. Using our local knowledge, we engage with communities and develop programmes that reflect mutually agreed priorities.

We support community programs focusing on Health, Education, Livelihoods Development, Infrastructure and Environment.


Education is a powerful tool that opens doors to opportunity, drives social mobility, and plays a pivotal role in reducing inequality. It serves as a cornerstone for breaking the cycle of poverty and nurturing progressive societies.

Individuals with access to quality education are better equipped to mitigate health risks and realize their full potential. However, a staggering number of children and adolescents in Uganda, are deprived of this fundamental right.

At Hima Cement, we believe in making a positive impact beyond our core operations. One way we do this is by contributing to the enhancement of access to learning opportunities through school infrastructure development, providing scholastic materials, supporting teachers and offering scholarships for further education.

The Hima Cement Community Scholarship Program

The Hima Cement Community Scholarship program is designed to benefit underprivileged children in Hima's host communities in Kasese, Kabarole, Kamwenge, Kapchorwa, and Tororo Districts.

Each year, the program admits 22 children (11 boys and 11 girls) who meet the qualifying criteria. The scholarship covers the full cost of secondary school education fees, while other personal expenses/requirements are the responsibility of the students' parents or guardians.

To be eligible for the scholarship, students must demonstrate exceptional academic performance in the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) and achieve a first-grade from a UPE School or government school within Hima's host communities. The selection process ensures transparency by cross-referencing the names of the top-performing pupils provided by the District Education Offices (DEOs) with the rankings verified by UNEB (Uganda National Examinations Board) at the request of Hima Cement.

Partnering for Community Health

ART Program

Hima Cement was one of the first companies to establish a community HIV clinic with support of Ministry of Health. ART stands for Anti-Retroviral Therapy; care given to an HIV positive person i.e. support counselling, nutritional education, treatment for opportunistic infections and antiretroviral drugs etc. Over 500 community members are registered on the program.

The program provides;

  • HIV/AIDS support counselling (pre and post counselling)
  • CD4 laboratory analysis
  • Treatment of opportunistic infections such as malaria, Respiratory tract diseases, Sexually transmitted diseases etc.
  • Provision of Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs)
  • Nutritional assessment and education
  • Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program

Partnership with TASO Tororo

Join us in championing health awareness in Tororo District! On March 6th, Hima Cement, in collaboration with TASO Tororo, hosted a successful free medical camp at Mile 5. Hundreds of attendees received a range of complimentary medical services, including check-ups, preventive advice, treatment for common illnesses, family planning, HIV testing, and counselling.

This event marks the beginning of an exciting partnership aimed at hosting monthly medical camps for the community surrounding our Tororo Grinding Station. At Hima Cement, we're committed to promoting wellness in the communities where we operate. Join us as we make a difference in the lives of our neighbours through accessible healthcare initiatives.​​​​​​​

SOS Partnership in Harugongo to improve household incomes through Agribusiness and Micro Credit

Hima Cement in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages Fort Portal joined hands to launch a Livelihood Development Project in Harugongo Sub County.

The project aims at improving the people's livelihoods through supporting viable Income Generating Activities (IGAs) and Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLAs) and also has a component of community health care interventions through community health outreach programs.

  • To support viable income generating activities and sustainable livelihood initiatives aimed at reducing impact of poverty by strengthening the capacities of 200 households to have increased income, food security and improved nutrition.
  • Provision of high yielding varieties cabbages, onions and tomatoes seeds as well as farm tools to further improve self-reliance
  • Formation of the Community savings and credit structures (Village Savings and Lending Associations) groups were formed, each comprising 30 members and covering over 500 households.
  • Vocational Training for youths in tailoring, welding, carpentry and hairdressing